Since it was just Super Bowl Sunday, let’s start there and how it relates to Callum’s birth story.
Super Bowl Sunday 2019. My husband and I were finishing up some of the big stickers of the NFL teams we had gotten for our Super Bowl Party (we host every year). I must have been pretty snappy, because he said “Why are you so grumpy? Are you pregnant?” I replied with full confidence “no I’m not, I have an IUD.” As the day went on I caught myself asking “when was my last period?” “could I be?” in my head. That next morning (Monday), I pulled a couple of pregnancy test out from under my sink. 2 pink lines on both.
Called my husband and said “nope, no way. I don’t believe them. They are probably old” as I drove as quick as I could to the closest store to get one of those Clear Blue ones, ya know the ones that tell you pregnant or not pregnant. Sure enough, they said yes as well. At this point I called my doctor, they told me to come in immediately. To read more about how I got pregnant with an IUD and the pregnancy click here.
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Okay back to the day my third child, Callum Byrd was born.
The couple of days leading up to October 10th I had appointment after appointment. Just like with my other two pregnancies, my blood pressure was rising and protein in my urine. Great–I am going to be induced again I thought. October 9th they sent me to the hospital for monitoring. If my blood pressure didn’t come down, I would begin induction. I had been through this before so naturally we had taken our bags to the doctors appointment and made arrangements for the kids.
Must Have Items For Your Hospital Bag– As a third time mama, it is a lot less than you think!
We got to the hospital and guess what, it came down!! (Must be that white coat syndrome ;)) In even better news, I was progressing so they let stay to have my baby. Oh, I prayed. I prayed so hard my body would go into labor. We walked and walked. We did lunges and squats throughout the hallway. Little by little I progressed.
For this birth I wanted to do it without an epidural (some weird part of my brain told me that I would feel more womanly? trust me, I did not. Get the dang epidural). That being said, Vince and I had taken birthing classes and hired a Doula. We notified her that we were having a baby and she got there around Midnight. I was able to do everything I dreamed of doing; bouncing on the ball, rocking, taking a hot shower, having Vince squeeze my hips with a sheet (counter pressure), etc. I could hear another mama giving birth screaming. Cowardly I thought to myself “look at me, this isn’t that bad. I am enjoying this. I can’t believe she is screaming that loud”. Jokes on me.
Although I got to experience and do all I wanted to try, after being in labor for more than 9 hours I was tired, and it was hurting. Really bad. I called the nurse in an I was at 9 cm. I practically begged for an epidural at this point, but it was too late. Another hour goes by, and still around 9.5. No urge to push. Not fully dilated but in so much pain.
The doctor came by to check on me and I looked at him square in the face and said “We are getting this baby out right now. I don’t care if you have to take me for a C-section. I am done. I am hurting”. He tried to tell me I wasn’t fulled dilated but I did not care. I had been in labor for over 11 hours and I was DONE.
Can you guess what happened next?
I became that mama who was screaming. Yes, it is true. I was screaming in pain and after 5 hard pushes Callum entered the world. He was immediately put on my chest but was not pinking up, had low tone and everyone was rubbing him. They lifted him off my chest and I felt like I had been punched in the gut. My heart dropped.
I couldn’t see what they were doing but I screamed out “Someone tell me if my baby is okay!”
While this only lasted 30sec or less, it felt like an eternity went by. It seemed like everything went in slow motion.
Thankfully he pinked up and they brought him back to my chest. I was crying happy tears. I was crying thankful tears. I was crying emotionally exhausted tears. My sweet chunky boy was in my arms and all was right in the world.
The pain of pushing a baby out is indescribable. Vince was the best support person/husband that I could ever dream of. He pushed on my back, squeezed my hips and told me over and over how good I was doing.
Callum weighed 7lbs and 7oz, was 19.75 inches long and born at exactly 0540 am.
He completed our family. He was our missing piece that we didn’t know we needed but God did.
Thank you for reading Callum’s Birth Story. I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me about your birth’s in the comments below or shoot me an email!