
How to Grow Your Blog Fast: 14 Tips to Try

You started your blog, but no one is coming. You want to make a job out of this and have an income, but you need to grow it. Growing your blog takes time and a lot of work – remember to treat this like a job – and with the right tips, you can grow your blog fast.

No matter what some websites tell you, creating a blog is not a get rich fast gig. Instead, you will have to put a lot of time and effort into blogging, and you need to know where to invest your time.

I read all the lists and outdated information; commenting on other blogs is not going to grow your blog anymore. Guest posting and focusing on content will. Things that work a long time ago, including buying backlinks – yes, it was a thing! – are no longer encouraged. Google even penalizes you for certain things like paying for links.

Start with a plan and try these tips to grow your blog fast. Before you know it, you’ll see the effects from all those hours of work!

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Related: 6 Ways To Grow Your Blog Easily

How Long Does It Take to Build a Success Blog?

On average, it takes two to four years to grow a successful blog. While it’s possible to do so faster, it’s important to set up good expectations for your blog. Around two years, you will have more content, and Google starts to recognize your website as an authority in your niche.

So, when I talk about growing your blog fast, realize that “fast” doesn’t mean five week or even six months. It may take a year or two to start seeing the fruits of your labor – blogging is a labor of love before you see the true effects.

14 Ways to Grow Your Blog Fast

1. Focus on Creating Tons of High Quality Content

Content is king; that’s simply the most important thing you have to remember when you want to grow your blog fast. You may be able to gather quickly traffic from social media sources, but ultimately, you want traffic that is long standing.

That type of traffic comes from Google, and it’s all about your content.

Google is smart, and their algorithm compares content. If your articles lack in quality, then you will never rank on the first page of results – and that’s where you want to be for all of your content.

Experts say that most blogs won’t see traffic start to come in faster until they have 150-200 articles. Yes, that’s a lot of work and a lot of content, but remember – Google is waiting to see what you are all about and how to discern your website.

I suggest creating a well-structured editorial calendar that focuses on your audience and allows you to look into the future with plans. Growing your blog means looking beyond the short term and having appropriate goals.

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2. Go After the Right Keywords for Your Audience

Picking the right keywords for your blog is a huge way to grow your blog fast and increase your overall domain authority. Long-tail keywords and low competition keywords are the key piece to getting a lot of monthly traffic.

Don’t be fooled into going for those short keywords that all the websites write about; I can guarantee thousands of other blogs are doing the same thing. Google only has space for nine of those on the first page – what are the chances that your blog will rank high against blogs with much higher domain authority?

I can tell you – the chances are slim.

Instead, go for long-tail keywords with low competition; these keywords are often more niche-specific. These keywords have three or more words and generally have a lower search volume. However, they make up for it in the ROI that it brings to your blog.

Trust me, the right keywords will grow your blog fast!

3. Help Your Audience

This goes back to your keywords. Think about why people are coming to your website.

Trust me, they don’t want to know what you did that day. They are searching for an answer to a question or trying to solve a problem they have. Your goal is to help your audience with whatever quest they have.

This is also a great way to think about keywords – what are problems your readers face and how can you help them?

4. Vary Your Content Format

Varying your content format helps attract more traffic to your blog. You don’t want all lists, even though those tend to be big hits on social media. If you use Pinterest, you’ll find listicles are a big deal and get you plenty of traffic, but the same isn’t necessarily for Google.

How-to posts are great for Google, and you should have some long-form, deep-dive articles that are in-depth and cover all sorts of topics.

For example, you may have a “master” article that covers everything about growing tomato plants. These articles are in-depth and often take thousands of words to create.

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5. Make Sure Your Blog Navigation is Great

Have you ever visited a website that is hard to get around? Your reader needs to be able find their way around and look for other things to read. This is especially true if you have a shop or other content for readers to buy.

Your navigation has to be easy to understand. Large blogs need category hierarchies that are clear to understand.

This may seem simple, but it’s something people often overlook thinking that it’s not important. It is!

6. Give Your Readers a Blog Ecosystem

Growing your blog takes time, and you don’t want to try to create too much at one time since your goal is high-quality content.

At the same time, everything you put on your website needs to relate back to something you’ve already published. This creates a web of related content that answers your readers needs and interests with their questions.

So, what does this mean for you?

Instead of sending your readers to another website to link a resource on a topic, you want to send them to a different post on your website. You want them to stay on your blog for as long as possible, and Google sees how much your content relates together.

7. Engage with Bloggers in Your Niche

You won’t be the only blogger in your niche, and instead of thinking as other bloggers as competitors, realize there is space for everyone on the big World Wide Web. Some communities work together, creating collaborations, supporting guest posting opportunities, and more.

These communities might take time to find, but building relationships and growing your blog through sharing opportunities is huge.

8. Contribute to Blogs in Your Niche

One of the best ways to grow your blog fast is by increasing your domain authority, and you can do this by contribute to blogs in your niche. Guest blogging lets you share your expertise with other readers while establishing your authority.

You have to make sure your guest posting is done at the right place. It won’t help if Google knows that it’s not related to your website or if you post in sites that your target readers wouldn’t visit.

So, it has to be in your niche.

That’s one reason why connecting with readers in your niche matters. You will be able to find people looking for guest posts and contributors, and I encourage you to work on these as long as they allow a link back to your website.

Related: How to Blog Regularly: 10 Tips Bloggers Need

9. Work on Your Email List From The Start

Your email list is a huge factor into making your blog grow fast. You have t start collecting email addresses from the start and using your email list as an asset to grow your blog. Without a doubt, your email list is a huge factor into growing your traffic.

Email marketing brings visitors and readers back to your blog consistently. Things like simple newsletters give updates about your new content and what you’re developing.

Building trust in your audience is a big deal!

You can try different tactics to grow an email list like creating lead magnets and content upgrades. Remember, email is the queen of your blog with content being first!

10. Focus on One or Two Social Media Platforms

Social media is another key; Pinterest brings me plenty of traffic. However, since we now have so many different social media options, it may feel like you have to go for them all.

Don’t do that.

Pick one or two social media platforms and focus on pushing content in that area. Each one is different, and you have to consider where your audience is most likely to find you.

11. Let Creators Know When You Mention Them

Another way to have your content share is to let content creators know that they are mentioned within your content. This is an low-effort, effective way that you can grow your community of bloggers.

It can be anything!

If you want to link to their website (with or without a picture), message to let them know. Most will offer to share the post after it’s published. You might want to quote them or link back to a meaningful article they created for additional resources.

Make sure it is contextual and related to what you are creating and your niche.

This is a great excuse to cold email other creators, and since you mentioned their website, ask to see if your article may fit their audience. You should also make sure it’s easy for them to share by including a link to the article.

12. Don’t Let Old Content Fade Away

It’s easy to only focus on new content, but old content is relevant. You should put some effort into regularly updating your content; Google loves to see bloggers updating their content.

You also should regularly share old content and consider how you can recycle it. If you have a post that is losing traffic on social media, consider making a new infographic for it or adding to the content. There is a lot you can do!

13. Add Shareable Images to Your Blog

Sharing helps your blog grow faster, and shareable images are essential. We are visual and respond to images more than a chunk of text. Tools like canvas are a great way to recycle your old content and create images that your audience will share that directs back to your website.

Create graphics specific to the sections within your blog, add quotes, and create infographics. Things like graphs or charts also help bring home the information you provide within the article.

14. Offer Hyper-Relevant Content Upgrades

If you have popular content with your readers, this is the perfect opportunity for a content upgrade. This is when you place a lead magnet in the middle of a relevant blog post.

Content upgrades are a great way to grow your blog because you are giving readers something you know they want to have and find interesting. For example, if you offer a recipe, you may offer similar recipes as a free downloadable ebook.

Having a plan to create content for your readers and using these tips will help grow your blog fast. Remember, fast is not a week; expect blog growth to take at least a year or longer. However, all that work isn’t for nothing! Before long, your blog will bring the income you want.

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