Alexia Nicole was born on October 14 at 12:05 am. She was almost a Friday the 13th baby! She was a tiny little thing weighing in at 6lbs 1oz. This is Alexia’s pregnancy and birth story.
Let’s start at the beginning.
January 2017 Vince and I went on our first vacation without a kid since having Vin. We went to Jamaica…. Jamaicin’ me crazy 🙂 We had an absolute blast and little did we know at the time, but we would always remember that vacation 😉
Fast forward 6 weeks and I was taking a pregnancy test at a nursing education conference. Positive. I told Vince on Valentine’s Day. Cheesy but cute right?
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After the excitement came the fear because guess what also happened around that time….ZIKA!
We had just been in a country where it was rampant. Vince had gotten mosquito bites. Thankfully I worked at the hospital and had some close connections with an Infectious Disease doctor. I called and explained my fears. He was so nice, but also recommended I get blood work done and see a maternal fetal medicine (MFM) specialist. I made an appointment for that week.
The goal was to monitor the growth, and head size of baby (since that is what the development issues were reported with Zika). Seeing a specialist was scary, but it also meant I was going to get more ultrasounds.
For this pregnancy we wanted to wait until birth to find out the gender and IT WAS HARD. I had to remind them at every visit. I bought gender neutral nursery items. Everything was white and gray. I can remember just wondering what our little one would be. Would I be a boy mom only? Would I have a little girl to dress up? It was such a fun time. I carefully picked out and ordered one boy coming home outfit and one girl coming home outfit. A girl blanket and boy blanket. A hat with a girl name and a hat with a boy name.
Thankfully the pregnancy went well, all the scans were great. I briefly remember one appointment they had to take an extra close look at the heart, but it turned out just fine.
July 2017 I got into a car wreck.
A person pulled out in front of me. I tried to miss them but clipped the front of their car, rolled and flipped my car. With Vin in the car at 28 weeks pregnant. By the grace of God a few men pulled over to help get us out of the car. A woman held Vin while I climbed out after him. Neither of us were injured too badly. Vin had not a scratch on him. I had an abrasion on my belly from the airbag. I was monitored overnight but other than being super sore, everything, and everyone, was okay.
Fast forward to 34 weeks pregnant.
I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting at home and my butt, yes my butt, HURT. It was so painful to move, lay, walk, sit…anything. walk. I put a heating pad on it and didn’t think anything about it. A few days later it was ITCHING. Right at the top of my butt. I had Vince look at it and he said “looks like some bumps”. Once again, working at the hospital, it is sometimes easy to have a friend look at things. I had a friend in wound care and I embarrassingly asked her to look at my butt. SHINGLES. I can’t make this up. I had SHINGLES. Shingles usually run along a nerve and mine just happened to be running down the nerve that runs across your butt. (if you didn’t know if you have ever had chicken pox, the shingles virus lives in you and is dormant). Anyways, so antibiotics it was for 2 weeks.
37 weeks pregnant, just like my first pregnancy, my blood pressure was rising.
My feet were soooo swollen. I was retaining so much water. I went to my 37 week appointment. Then had an appointment in 1 week. Then 2 days after that and then 2 days after that they said—“time to go to the hospital, your blood pressure is too high”. Same story as my first pregnancy except this time I had a 1.5 year old who I had to pick up from daycare. I had to get him home and settled. I went and got Chick Fil A (you know they won’t let you eat once you get to the hospital ;)), grabbed Vin from daycare, called my parents to come stay with him and then we headed back to the hospital to be induced.
I got to the hospital around 4pm. They started fluids and went ahead and placed cytotec. It didn’t do much, 2 cm. Doctors started Pitocin and things got moving quickly. The doctor broke my water around 7pm, I got an epidural around 8pm and then took a long nap. (those epidural naps are amazing haha).
Around 11:45 pm they said its go time and I started pushing.
12:05- IT’S A GIRL!
Having a baby is hard, but I think it helped knowing that I was capable of doing it. I had done it before and I could do it again. I did and she was perfect.
I was crying happy tears! I had a little princess <3
There is something about that moment. The moment when the relief is finally felt and you hold the precious being for the first time. You look into their beautiful little eyes, touch their soft skin. It is such an incredible feeling. It’s moving. It’s emotional. It is the most beautiful thing you could ever witness.
Alexia made us a family of four at that time. She is full of fierce leadership, confidence and love. We love you so much Lexi Lou!
I hope you enjoyed this pregnancy and birth story. Did you have any relatable pregnancy stories? Let me know in the comments!
Related: Callum’s Birth Story